Project 3242 – The Apprenticeship Guild

Executive Summary:

The Apprenticeship Guild is a consortium of thousands of small businesses focused on the health and longevity of local small businesses and surrounding communities.


Project 3242 is the innovation plan to see widespread adoption of our guilds and services across all 3242 Counties, Burroughs, and Parishes, give or take a few, established in the United States of America and Territories.


  • Consulting small businesses on how to make use of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Big and Small Data, Modern Tech and Communication systems.
  • Setting up and maintaining Apprenticeship programs for small businesses across multiple industries.

Apprenticeship Program Summary:

In a nutshell, it is a Talent Acquisition, Training, and Retainment system for your company.  In places where it is widely practiced, like Switzerland, it provides the pathway to Mastery for 70% of their youth.  It is a job that pays you not only in money, but also in training and the experience that comes from fulfilling one’s responsibilities.

It is a way for Small Businesses to attract talent that may not know what they want to do in life yet, but they are willing to do a good job for whomever they are working for at the time.  In Switzerland, there are small businesses that have people taking Novice (unpaid) positions just to have that company’s recommendation for another opportunity.  These jobs are not forever, but the system works by making recommendations to third parties for future employment as a form of payment.

You get an honest effort because the Apprentice (Student) is counting on a Letter of Recommendation to get into a more desirable, for them, Apprenticeship that has come available.  Yes, there is some cost in having to maintain your Talent Acquisition, Training, and Retainment system, but it pays for itself once you get it going.  You always have a steady flow of talent going through your organization at a pace you set.  The better the workplace you provide, the better talent you will attract and keep.

It is not unlike having thousands of small universities providing the skills experience necessary to become independent adults.

Who wouldn’t want that?


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