The Swiss Apprenticeship Model for Mastery

swiss flag

My observations while there and what I’ve concluded from studying it.


Prepare general population for skills and experience necessary to take care of themselves and add to the community.


The apprenticeship system is a giant collection of connected small businesses and learning institutions that prepare young women and men to be self reliant and reliable to others.  It makes them valuable citizens, not costly.

Observations from Switzerland:

  • Almost all small businesses participate in the Apprenticeship System for Mastery.
  • Employees/Students are generally divided up into Novice, Apprentice, Expert, and Master levels that reflect responsibility and pay.
  • Novices and apprentices have a much higher turn over rate than experts and masters.  This requires a training program to quickly get new talent up to speed.  Outsourcing some training out is more efficient/effective than doing inhouse.
  • Novices and apprentices take their responsibilities ‘serious’ as the competition for apprenticeship positions is high.  Every novice or apprentice level position usually comes from a recommendation.
  • 70% of the Swiss youth go into Apprenticeships to gain mastery over their careers and lives.
  • The Swiss have a very low Adult Dependency upon welfare.
  • Pay gap between business owner and experts is far less than Fortune 500 CEO’s and Management.
  • Upward mobility is steady and mostly up.  Many take a step back and move up another pathway to mastery.



  • Communities that provide pathways for the next generation to master their careers and lives, end up with a vast majority of citizens who can take care of not only their lives, but their family’s lives and the community in general.  They are more learned and make less rash decisions.
  • The Apprenticeship described above provides a long tested and successful methodology for attaining self reliance and the experience to reliable to others.
  • All communities should consider the Apprenticeship pathway to Mastery.

We need to get this started ASAP

Discovery, Blueprint, Kickoff, Build, Test, Train, Launch, Monitor, Maintenance, Audit, Optimize.

That is the ASAP Methodology (version I use) I and many other people used to help thousands of employees work together to produce valuable services and goods to their customers.

  • Discovery – Defining/Reiterating the Mission for the Organization and taking an inventory of all your assets and liabilities.  Record any problems that need to be resolved.
  • Blueprint – Laying out the structure and seeing how things fit together and where there are gaps.  Talk to employees and find out what makes their responsibilities easy or hard to fulfill.  Find and Train Early Adopters (Champions) who can help the Early Majority (all other employees) switch to and make use of the new procedures.  Document and lay out the Communication and Project Plan.
  • Kickoff – Bring all staff together to announce the Plan, who can answer questions, and who to talk to if you have concerns.
  • Build – Create new infrastructure and build onto existing.  Fill communication or process gaps found during the Blueprint.
  • Test – Carefully follow all the processes and communication streams, find and fix breakdowns.
  • Train – Use Test Scenarios to create training for your users to practice on.  Allow them to get familiar with the new or altered processes before they can make any lasting mistakes in the Live System.
  • Launch – Countdown to official full switch to New Process and Communication systems.  Make sure everyone is ready for the switch and perform Cut-Over.
  • Monitor – Careful monitoring of all of the new systems/processes and how they are being used.  Careful attention to breakdowns of every sort.
  • Maintenance – Extended period of no new processes or updates not critical to normal business functions.  Let everything settle and see how people use or not use the system to get their responsibilities fulfilled.
  • Audit – Compare resolution of ‘problems to be resolved’ recorded in Discovery to the current state of the company.  Answer “Did we meet our goals?”
  • Optimize – Blueprint solution to the problems still faced and brainstorm new features or structure that could be blended in the next iteration.
  • Discovery – Keep the cycle going . . .

The above is a system ‘any’ company can use to bring harmony to your company’s processes.  It allows everyone to know where each other is at in a process and quickly identifies bottlenecks and breakdowns.  It allows everyone to use the same language and not get confusing messages or queues.  It allows everyone to work in unison and adjust flow themselves depending upon different situations.  It takes babysitting our of the picture and allows employers to assign or reassign responsibility easily.

This methodology can and should be implemented in every small business moving forward.  I predict that small businesses in the future will be blending the above with Apprenticeship Programs or going out of business.  This kind of blending makes it possible for small businesses to compete for the talent and market share the giant businesses currently attract.  It’s available to all small businesses.

If you are in the Woodstock Georgia area, I want to talk to you about setting this up for your small business or I’m happy to help anyone get a Guild set up to provide these services for their own local small businesses.  It works in Switzerland and I think it is worth trying out here.  I’d love to see a guild in every community in the US, I’ll help you get one started in yours.

Let’s connect.

Apprenticeship Guild Core Competencies

The Apprenticeship Guild Core Competencies are a reflection of the social and economic skills necessary to navigate a self determined life.  Skills that allows individuals to manage their own affairs and work interdependently with others on shared commitments.  They have been chosen to help the practitioner be reliable to others and self reliant.

Those 2 traits are the best indicators of how well your life is going.  It can be thought of as Yin & Yang or the Pursuit of Happiness in Smith’s definition.  The Pursuit of Happiness is the balance between Self Interest and Interest in Others.  It is the act of improving ourselves and the world around us.  It is our Right and Responsibility.  It doesn’t work out so well when you outsource it.

The Coursework will vary, but here are some of the the Authors and Works that will be examined and put into practice.


  • Jordan Peterson – 12 Rules for Life, and Personality Traits
  • Carnegie/Mellon – How to win Friends and Public Speaking
  • Denning and Dunham – The Innovator’s Way – Innovation and Leadership
  • Toastmasters – Public Speaking and Leadership

Economics and Politics

  • Adam Smith – Home Economics, Theory on Moral Sentiments, Wealth of Nations
  • Frederick Hayek – Austrian School – Wealth Creation Errors of Socialism
  • John Keynes – London School – Wealth Redistribution
  • Taleb – Skin in the Game, Localism
  • Marx,Obama – Central Planning
  • Cicero
  • Locke
  • Peterson
  • Greene

This list will grow and become more detailed.

Project 3242 – The Apprenticeship Guild

Executive Summary:

The Apprenticeship Guild is a consortium of thousands of small businesses focused on the health and longevity of local small businesses and surrounding communities.


Project 3242 is the innovation plan to see widespread adoption of our guilds and services across all 3242 Counties, Burroughs, and Parishes, give or take a few, established in the United States of America and Territories.


  • Consulting small businesses on how to make use of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Big and Small Data, Modern Tech and Communication systems.
  • Setting up and maintaining Apprenticeship programs for small businesses across multiple industries.

Apprenticeship Program Summary:

In a nutshell, it is a Talent Acquisition, Training, and Retainment system for your company.  In places where it is widely practiced, like Switzerland, it provides the pathway to Mastery for 70% of their youth.  It is a job that pays you not only in money, but also in training and the experience that comes from fulfilling one’s responsibilities.

It is a way for Small Businesses to attract talent that may not know what they want to do in life yet, but they are willing to do a good job for whomever they are working for at the time.  In Switzerland, there are small businesses that have people taking Novice (unpaid) positions just to have that company’s recommendation for another opportunity.  These jobs are not forever, but the system works by making recommendations to third parties for future employment as a form of payment.

You get an honest effort because the Apprentice (Student) is counting on a Letter of Recommendation to get into a more desirable, for them, Apprenticeship that has come available.  Yes, there is some cost in having to maintain your Talent Acquisition, Training, and Retainment system, but it pays for itself once you get it going.  You always have a steady flow of talent going through your organization at a pace you set.  The better the workplace you provide, the better talent you will attract and keep.

It is not unlike having thousands of small universities providing the skills experience necessary to become independent adults.

Who wouldn’t want that?


Self Reliance Apprenticeship System

Self Reliance Apprenticeship System

Mission: Prepare community youth and young adults for a dynamic and uncertain world.

For quite sometime I’ve pondered and worked on several different iterations of this crazy idea.  The idea is a self autonomous organization that recruits and trains all of its members to provide top notch goods and services for their community.  It doesn’t sound novel, but it  shares the scarcity of use as novel ideas exhibit.

The training would be two-fold.  Technical education; first hands on – then theory.  And the Arts; economics, finance, communication, philosophy, etc.  In other words, an apprenticeship program with life long self improvement built in.  The ‘community served’ would pay for all the training, salaries, and overhead via purchasing goods and services.  Consideration (pay, benefits, experience gained) would be based upon level of responsibility (novice, apprentice, expert, and master).

My first iteration of this was rooted in Information Technology.  Family illness/troubles took me away from this path, but I’ve found myself on a similar one today.  I hope to be sharing more about that project in the future, but I’m heavily focused on the newest iteration, which is a Cabinetry and Carpentry Apprenticeship.

There’s a good living in hand and machine produced cabinetry and fixtures.  It’s not terribly difficult work and the perks of having your own tools and ability to use them is damn near priceless.  We don’t expect all apprentices to become carpenters, we expect them all to learn to be one if they want to be.  Most will move on having put in a good effort and learned/added a lot. They get solid references for how quickly they learned and how much responsibility they could handle.  Fewer will stay to become the Experts and Mentors that keep it all going.  The goal is everyone get something positive out of the relationship.

The Arts portion of the Apprenticeship program is geared towards helping members with the softer or people oriented skills.  Honing one’s skills in social, economic, and political ways so one can easily add to and benefit from their community.  Economics from Smith, Hayek, Mises, and the like.  Philosophy from Christ, Moses, Freud, Jung, Socrates, Plato, Confucius as well.  Communication and Personality Traits from Carnegie, Toastmasters, Peterson, and more.  And yes, even politics.  There is a ton to be learned from studying Cicero, The USA Founders, Machiavelli, and Greene.

Of course each business will do their own thing, but a business that offers the best Technical and Arts program is likely to attract the best apprentices.  It can’t be repeated enough; healthy and thriving small businesses equal healthy and thriving communities.  If one of the biggest companies in town closes up, there are 15 looking for additional people to help them fill the gap.  It is not time to panic as we find with big business closures.

And speaking of gaps, the gaps between those giving the orders and those carrying them out are much smaller than giant businesses.  This is about small business health and creating organic paths to success that both ensures competition and training/exercise for all.  Everyone ends up being able to compete in their chosen or temporary fields.  Once you get good at few things, it gets so much easier to get good at the next.

It sounds like a crazy pipe-dream, but I’ve seen it.  Switzerland has its own problems and challenges, but 70% of their youth gain the technical and social skills necessary to earn a descent living through Apprenticeships.  They are not learning challenged oppressed youth being forced into dead-end monotonous jobs.  They are seeking these Apprenticeships out because they offer on the job training and off the job research and practice.  They do this because it almost always leads to being able to fend for yourself and adding to their community. Another 20% via Academic and Research (university) paths.  Almost every Swiss citizen can fend for themselves, especially in areas where division of labor is used.  That is almost everywhere on the planet.

The goal is to turn our Small Businesses into Education and Experience Centers.  The Students, who can be Fired and Replaced with someone more motivated, get work and industry experience as well as some Arts training.  The Business gets, mostly, a steady stream of motivated talent, that is either looking to stay in the industry or do such a good job while apprenticing that they get a stellar recommendation and invitation to return.

Imagine that 70% of your community’s youth did something like the above instead of crowding university campuses for 4 years.  Imagine they can try out more than one or two paths without committing everything.  Imagine them all adopting the goal of being self reliant and reliable to others.  Imagine thousands of communities that were mostly comprised of confident and reliable people.  It’s possible.

This Cabinetry Apprenticeship is a prototype and template for others.  The apprentice system ends up being a Talent Acquisition, Training, and Retainment program that periodically updates itself.  Any industry can use it and modern technology is pushing into the hands of small businesses.

My goal is to make this Self Reliance Apprenticeship System common in multiple industries and communities all across the USA, perhaps the world.  Every person who wants a good life is a reason to act on this goal.  Something quite close to the above has been practiced in Switzerland for some time.  It is almost unbelievable how nice and stable their communities have become.  I am certain it can be reproduced most places it is tried.

Would you consider trying it out in your community?  Would you be interested so see how it works for others first?  Find out what your neighbors think and see if they’d try it out.