Is it Your Fault the Climate is Changing?

The Climate is Changing, the Seas are Rising, and armies of Chicken Littles all over the world are organizing to make sure everyone knows that it is Unprecedented, Catastrophic, and most importantly all because of Your use of fossil fuels.

Or is it?

In a ‘discovery’ that has been around for years, but has only been recently publicized, we find that Sea Levels were 6-9 meters higher 125,000 years ago than they are today. For those not well versed in Paleo-geology, most of Earth’s last several million years has been in a deep freeze known as an Ice Age. Every 100,000 years or so it experiences warm periods known as Glacial Minimum or Inter-glacial. Today we are right dead in the middle of one of these Warm Periods.

Roll the clock back 125,000 years ago and we find another of these warm periods. Go back approximately another 125,000 years and we find another an so on for at least 2.5 million years. Ladies and gentlemen, we are in an Ice Age known as The Quaternary. This period in time is typically defined by the “cyclic growth and decay of continental ice sheets driven by Milankovitch cycles and the associated climate and environmental changes that occurred.”

We know that Greenland’s Ice Sheets, the glaciers that Climatologists are so concerned about melting because of humankind, nearly melted completely away during the last Inter-glacial period. It doesn’t take genius to figure out that is why the Sea Levels were 6-9 meters higher than they are today. Every Climatologist can tell you if Greenland’s Ice Sheets melt, then Sea Levels are going to rise 6-9 meters. It baffles me that they can’t make that connection.

From the American Institute of Physics;

In the last interglacial period, some 125,000 years ago, the planet had reached a temperature about as high as was likely to come from greenhouse warming in the next century or two. Back then, even though most of Antarctica had remained ice-covered, the sea level had been at least seven meters (more than 20 feet) higher than at present. This was about what would be expected if most of Greenland melted.


Take a moment and imagine that you are Alien Scientist visiting Earth today. Humans never evolved, no fossil fuels have been used, and CO2 levels never get above 280ppm as we see in historical records. You have been tasked with forecasting conditions for the next 500, 5000, 50000, and 125000 years in the future. You have all the same data for past and present conditions on Earth that we currently have in our possession.

I think most intelligent people/aliens would imagine that the cycle would repeat itself and conditions would follow a similar pattern as to what we see in the historical record. Greenland’s Ice Sheets are going to melt, Sea Levels are going to rise 6-9 meters (20-30 feet), then the Earth will start freezing again, New York will be under 1 mile of Ice again, then it will melt fairly rapidly, and then the process will repeat.

Now if you are a Climatologist, given the same data, it seems you would try to convince everyone that;

  1. Climate Changed Naturally for billions of years.
  2. That an Ice Age began 2.5 million years ago and has had several very cold and moderately warm periods.
  3. That Greenland’s Ice Sheets melted completely away without the influence of burning fossil fuels.
  4. That Sea Levels rose 6-9 meters higher than today without the influence of humankind.
  5. But, somewhere around 150 years ago the Climate Stopped Changing Naturally.
  6. Now it is Your Fault that the Climate Changes, Glaciers Melt, and that Sea Levels rise.

Don’t believe them for another moment.  The story of Chicken Little, or Henny Penny, has been around for more than 2,500 years. It seems that the phenomena of getting worked up into a hissy fit over very natural and easily mitigated events is nothing new.

It is time ladies and gentlemen to stop funding Chicken Little and get back to making the most of our lives while we can enjoy them.  It is time to reject the Nonsense that is known as Climate Science.

5 Reasons why Trump is beating the GOP Elite


  1. Because he is stating the obvious rather than trying to hide it.
  2. Because his primary audience is not the Elite and/or Entitled.
  3. Because we do not want the Most Conservative nor Most Liberal to be President.
  4. Because the GOP has been completely impotent in stopping unconstitutional policy.
  5. Because he is the most trustworthy.


  1.  First and foremost Trump is often telling like it is.  It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that immigration is a big problem for most Americans, especially Republicans.  There are few places in America today where you will not find a dozen or so Latinos loitering for a potential day job.  That seems like a great thing to someone looking for cheap labor, but that cheap labor comes at a higher price than is obvious.  American workers come with Workman’s Compensation bills, insurance concerns, and taxes so even if an American were to loiter there with the Latinos, there is a greater risk in hiring them than someone who can’t complain about injuries and/or safe working conditions.  Is sending them all back the solution?  Probably not, but at least he is not trying to cover up an obvious problem.

Same goes for terrorists. It is completely insane to bomb the hell out of a region and then invite the displaced to come live with you.  And when I say ‘you’ I don’t mean the Elite, because the displaced are not invited to the Elite’s neighborhoods, they are invited to live anywhere but the Elite’s neighborhoods.

2.  It is no secret Trump is part of the Elite crowd.  He lives a lavish lifestyle, but he doesn’t try to hide it or make it look less lavish.  What he is doing is something the GOP Elite have long ago abandoned, he is talking to those of us who don’t fit into the Elite or Entitled crowd.  He is talking to those who try hard to earn an honest living and despise the idea of the government taking care of them.

We don’t want handouts, we want a chance to compete for our fellow Americans’ needs for goods and services.  American Domestic Industry is saddled with 500+ Federal and State Agencies taxing and regulating us to the point that our costs to do business soar, and then our Dear Leaders create trade agreements that allow Foreigners to escape all the extra costs that we have no choice but to endure.  It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that making the Home Team pay all sorts of mostly arbitrary Domestic taxes will make providing Domestic goods and services too cost prohibitive to compete with our Foreign competitors.  It is no wonder why jobs are being off-shored, it is too expensive to compete domestically.  It’s like tying your fighter’s hands behind their back and then ringing the bell.  We’re getting slaughtered because the Rules are stacked against us, and ‘we’ make the rules!

3. It may be surprising to the Democrats and Republicans, but most of us are tired of the Cold Civil War that the D and R parties have waged for the last 150+ years.  Neither party stands for anything but their own wealth and power.  Both parties are consumed with trying to use government to solve problems that government interference typically exacerbates. Every 4 to 8 years we Americans have to endure each party trying to ‘fundamentally change’ the way things are done.  Imagine a company trying to do the same thing.  It doesn’t work.

News Flash Two Party System – You cannot legislate Morality, Generosity, or Safety.  When you try it only creates a series of inadequate and incomplete laws that lead to undesirable unintended consequences, and more inadequate and incomplete laws, and so on.  The Elite and Entitled are not hurt from all this as much as those of us in the middle.  Most of us are in the Middle.

We don’t want the most conservative or liberal telling us how to be moral, generous, or safe, but someone in the middle who shares ways to be those things is welcome to do so.  In addition, the term ‘conservative’ has lost all meaning.  It is far more associated with Social Conservatism than Fiscal, and most of us simply put Abortion and Gay Marriage at the bottom of our concerns.  Besides, these are issues that Government has shown to be inadequate to address, much less solve.  The term Liberal used to mean adhering to Limited Gov’t principles, but that changed in the 1930’s to mean Socialist.  We don’t need or want others forcing us to be moral or generous, in fact, we’d do both more easily without government’s ‘help’.

4. There is absolutely no reason to trust the so-called Republican Leadership.  The Grand Ole Party of Limited Government is a myth. It’s a legend that only exists in history books that have turned out to be fiction. The Republican Party actively destroys our Rights to Privacy and Justice while doing Nothing, Nada, Zip to stop other encroachments like Obamacare.  It is as if they have made a deal with the Democrats to give up our Rights in some areas so that the Democrats can erode our Rights in others.  No matter how well intentioned the most conservative Republicans end up being, they are impotent when it comes to defending what was once core American values.

5. For all the outlandish things that Trump has said, and there are many, he is the most trustworthy by far. This is largely due to point number 1.  In between the rhetoric, Trump often calls it like it is.  He shares many of our concerns and while I can trust him to do some things that I disagree with, I and many others feel he will at least try to accomplish many of the things we do agree on.

Lastly, the Republican Elite keep trying to push career Lawyer/Politicians on us.  Marco Rubio is a perfect example, he is the Obama of the Republican Party.  He has never had a job and he thinks he is experienced enough to lead a country?  Where do they find these people?  Hello??  Auto Mechanics are more trustworthy than Lawyers, and rightly so.  All auto-mechanics do not belong to a Monopoly (American Bar Association) that heavily profits by making thousands of laws and tax rules so complicated that no one can truly agree on what they all mean.

So take it from an actual Trump Supporter.  Most of us do not support racism, xenophobia, or the like. Most of us support him because we have finally figured out the Republican Party Elite are against us, not with us.

The End is Far,

Steve Morris

An Old Case for a New Tariff


Tariffs are all bad, right?  That is probably what you were taught in grade school or college.  They are a relic of an old and defunct economic system called Mercantilism and are the cause of many wars and economic downturns.  I know that’s what I was taught.  However, years later I picked up ‘The Wealth of Nations’ and actually read it instead of breezing the ‘Cliff Notes’ and what I found makes perfect sense today as it did then.

There are two cases, Adam Smith argues, for rendering a tariff.  The first is for Military Goods and Services, a Defense Tariff.  He advises extremely high import duties on Defense goods and services for the obvious reason that creating a military dependence upon a foreign nation almost always leads to Regime Change, your own.  When you outsource your Defense, you inadvertently end up outsourcing your Gov’t as well.  The Defense Tariff is never intended to produce revenue, it is put in place to keep Defense goods and services completely Domestic by making foreign Defense too expensive to contemplate.

The second reason, which is the one I am focused on today, is to keep the playing field level, or rather re-level the playing field by making foreign industry pay the same amount as our domestic industry is made to.  Now this idea flies in the face of convention in that it obviously raises prices of foreign goods to levels that will make consumers unhappy.  But we need to fly in the face of convention because it is convention that has led to jobs being moved overseas.

Now imagine for a moment that the US took the unconventional approach of making Chinese et al industries pay the same Corporate, Payroll, Sales, FICA, Medicare, SS, School, State and Local, EPA fees, Licenses, Fuel, Income, Property, Ad Valorem, millage, etc, etc, etc Taxes that our Small Medium and Large companies are made to pay.  We’re not talking about ‘protectionist’ taxes to keep foreign goods out, we’re talking about making foreign competitors deal with the same adversities that our Dear Leaders are forcing upon the businesses that most of us depend on for our daily bread.

So what is that going to do?  Rob Viglione, someone I respect and follow on Twitter, says it will only increase prices on the goods and services our foreign competitors produce and that is simply adding another bad policy to the current one.  It will reduce purchasing power and cause all sorts of other problems, “it is better to end bad domestic policy” without adding new ones.

Well, it turns out that Mr. Viglione and I mostly agree on that, but I don’t think it is bad policy to make foreign competitors pay for the same bad policy that is hurting American businesses.  I see his point, two wrongs don’t make a right, but I think this time it does.

Year after year we all hear pundits talk about how to end the arbitrary and oppressive taxes that have built up over the years.  Year after year nothing gets accomplished and more taxes are added.  At the birth of our nation you could count all the taxes placed on Americans on two hands, today you can’t name ten things that are not taxed.  Just try to think of ten things that are not taxed in the US.  I gave up after ten minutes and had come up with less than five.

Everyone knows that our business’s worst enemy is not foreign competition, but rather our own government’s taxes and policies.  Our Dear Leaders put shackles on the Home Team’s ankles and then shout “Free Trade” as they open our markets to foreigners to compete for American earnings and loyalty.  We’re handicapping our friends’ and neighbor’s businesses and then whining about lost jobs and industry.  It’s insane.

So what to do?  Convention says to keep trying to elect or convince leaders to end the arbitrary taxes and regulations.  I don’t think this will ever work.  This approach has been the main strategy since mankind has disagreed with their masters/representatives and it still fails today.

“level the playing field by making foreign industry pay the same amount as our domestic industry is made to”

My and Adam Smith’s solution, albeit unconventional today and somewhat risky, is this.  Create a Tariff that adds the average cost of doing business domestically to our foreign competitor’s cost of goods and services.  Why should our domestic industries be punished for being local and supplying us with jobs and prosperity?  All I’m talking about is leveling the playing field for the home team.  No advantages save a person’s desire to support local business.

Yes, this will temporarily raise the price of foreign goods and services, but it is my and Adam Smith’s opinion that Americans will choose to get rid of both the arbitrary Taxes on Domestic businesses and the Tariffs that are based off those Domestic Taxes.  I don’t believe that Americans will get rid of the domestic taxes without adding the Tariff because history has shown otherwise time and time again.

The End is Far,

Steve A Morris

P.S. – Huge changes are taking place right now that will put Robots and the Internet of Things into the hands of Billions of Small Businesses in the US and abroad.  Most manufacturing will soon be local and highly customizable to suit local needs.  We will only ‘need’ to import and transport raw materials to be made locally into almost everything we could ever dream up.

The Giant Corporations behind the TPP and like oligopolies will try very hard to have ‘everything’ made in Giant Factories in some foreign land, but I don’t think they will win.  Healthy Ecosystems, including ‘Eco’nomies, are made up of millions of diverse individuals competing for all sorts of limited resources.  Unhealthy ecosystems/economies are made up of a handful of organizations fighting over the same.  We must choose between a healthy and unhealthy future for our children and our posterity.