The Apprenticeship Guild Core Competencies are a reflection of the social and economic skills necessary to navigate a self determined life. Skills that allows individuals to manage their own affairs and work interdependently with others on shared commitments. They have been chosen to help the practitioner be reliable to others and self reliant.
Those 2 traits are the best indicators of how well your life is going. It can be thought of as Yin & Yang or the Pursuit of Happiness in Smith’s definition. The Pursuit of Happiness is the balance between Self Interest and Interest in Others. It is the act of improving ourselves and the world around us. It is our Right and Responsibility. It doesn’t work out so well when you outsource it.
The Coursework will vary, but here are some of the the Authors and Works that will be examined and put into practice.
- Jordan Peterson – 12 Rules for Life, and Personality Traits
- Carnegie/Mellon – How to win Friends and Public Speaking
- Denning and Dunham – The Innovator’s Way – Innovation and Leadership
- Toastmasters – Public Speaking and Leadership
Economics and Politics
- Adam Smith – Home Economics, Theory on Moral Sentiments, Wealth of Nations
- Frederick Hayek – Austrian School – Wealth Creation Errors of Socialism
- John Keynes – London School – Wealth Redistribution
- Taleb – Skin in the Game, Localism
- Marx,Obama – Central Planning
- Cicero
- Locke
- Peterson
- Greene
This list will grow and become more detailed.